Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wut wut wut.....

Guh haven't had time to do any practice paintings..just pieces after pieces. Which is pretty cool since I get to switch gears every time my project workflow feels stale and ugh.
So here's a WIP exterior I've been working on..the interior version I had for this particular project bombed so I'm definitely putting it in my -fix it sooner or later- folder.
Meanwhile, have a cool and safe springbreak my peeps, and I'll see some of you guys when we drop by LA.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Speedpaint 2

Another painting I did in between bouts of insomnia, based on a weekly photo highlight at back's been hurting for a while since I spend a lot of time just sitting down and working.
Someone definitely needs exercise now, ha ha.