Wednesday, March 30, 2011

more figure painting

Today is Frank's turn again!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

figure painting 2

Another attempt at painting with a live model from yesterday's session. This one clocks in at 40 minutes.
Hopefully I'll be able to upload some cool stuff later this month with some concepts from a game we're been on since the end of last year. That and keep the ball rolling on personal stuff. Whew!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Figure paint

From a figure drawing session at my company last night. We had a great model named Frank, and his goggles are awesome.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Gallery piece

Here's another side project I just finished. This piece is a part of "The Games We Play" gallery show my company held in tandem with GDC 2011, showcasing 25 game artists doing what they do outside of work.
The gallery's called Nieto Fine Arts and it's located close to Union Square, just off of Sutter and Powell. The show's going to run till March 28th, so come by to check it out! there's a lot of cool pieces by other cool artist, including my peeps Chrystal Chan and Lamnho Giang :)