Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So close!

Yet so far.
It's only a few weeks until summer, and of course a heat wave has to come during the finals week. Ahhhhh........
I noticed recently that when I sit cross-legged my left leg's bone junction kinda gives out a little bit and it usually freaks me out when that happens. Gotta be more careful these days...
Here's an old vis-def piece that I was playing with just to take a break between work hours.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Here's a little teaser for my Maya model. Awesome! I'm just glad that I can get this done with in a couple of weeks..and then I can show the final result. Yee!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Bloggety blog blog..

Haven't had time to post stuff in a while, so here's a character design I've been working on.

Most of my time's been spent trying to crank up stuff every week and dealing with all kinds of randomness in 3d land. Apparently my file is possessed and it keeps trashing all my geos and throwing away textures..the fact that I made it this far in the classwork is beyond me. Ha haa...